Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How to work on international assignment.

After you record your path with Garmin GPS device, bring the device to me, I will take the data file off, and post it online.(I will send you URL)
Also, please make notes of which file is who's path.( Ex:”10-JUN-07: Mariko 1, 10-JUN-07 002 :Lisa 1) .

Here is what you are going to do.

1. sign on to Google Maps (don't use NN class account, you have your own account. use same username/password as you use for blogger)

2. search the URL I sent you. the path will show up on the map

3. click “my map” tab

4. create new map, and annotate. (in anycase you lost your path, always saech the URl agin)

5. After you finish annotation. click "link to this page".

6. Copy the URL and send the URL to me.

After I got your annotation link, I will combine two file (path and annotation) together and create full annotated path.
It would be nice if you could send me the annotation link by Tuesday night(6/26). so that I can make all the completed file by Wednesday class.

Garmin how to.

How to use Garmin

1. Turn on Garmin.

2. Wait a little bit until they get satellite information.(do it outside. inside of the building, you might not get satellite signal.) If they couldn't find location data, move a little bit, hit ”new location” and try until you get satellite.

3. on the start point, hit “MARK” and select “OK” to save the location. (always hit "enter" to select something)

4. then hit MENU button twice. select “Tracks”

5. select “on” (once you hit on, it start automatically tracking your path.)

IMPORTANT: make sure you start from memory 0%. other wise it will just add your path to the log created in past. to clear the memory select "clear"

6. at the end point hit mark button and select “OK” to save it.

7. Then hit MENU twice, select “Tracks”.

8. select "Save"

9. Turn track log "off".

10. “clear” your log.

11. Turn off Garmin

my following

Monday, June 11, 2007


my pics:
my path: here annotated ver. here
artifacts: in class

I have map(s)/Lost

I have a map/Lost.

I always carry my map inside of my notebook both in Philly and in Rome. Also In tokyo when I go somewhere I don’t know, I always carry my map. Map is my life line.
I think before I stared biking in city, I didn’t know how to read map. I was really bad at knowing direction to somewhere.
Now I know how to use map and it is such important element of my biking life.
I’m so glad that both Philly and Rome map fits inside of the book. In Tokyo, I need to carry twice as thick book all maps.
One more map I love. “Google maps” it is amazing application. so now not only Google the word I don’t now, I Google the address I’m not familiar with.

Although I had map, I once lost in Rome.
Than was first day in Rome, after we had dinner. I was in the middle of historic center, near Spanish steps. Now it is easy to know where I am and how to go back, but at that point, I didn’t know where I am. I usually have good sense of going back home, but that day I was lust lost, and biking around the city. I tried to guess where I am from street name, but I couldn’t. Finally I have got to Trevi fountain, and happened to know where I am.

Monday, June 4, 2007

How To my Map.

1. Go to google maps
2.Click my map tub

3. Click Sign in

4. sign in

5. Click "Rome Map"

6. and start editing.

7.If you click rich text, it will allow you to put pictures, change font and size and you do on blogger.

Please Make sure you are editing "Rome Map" so that we all editing same map.
At the end of this class we will have our collective information map!!

I will never see my self on car mirror.

Mirror reflect surface of the window and window reflect me and the reflection reflect on mirror...or on window.........what?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Massa critica!!!

I was riding my bike near chinatown, Rome.

One guy on a bike said "Massa critica!" I showed him "I don't unberstand" face. He said "there is critical mass at piazza del Popolo!" in english, So I followed him and...

I happened to attend Rome's biggest and special once a year critical mass ride. Mass of bike riders against oil war. Piazza del Popolo was full of thousand and thousand of bike riders.
"Bicycling quiet statement against oil war"

Hot pink nike shoes

clothes for priest make his shoes one really cares. no one look at foot of priest...

People don't care about technlogy in this low tech city...

that wires, or, cables were randomly dropped from roof to each window.
As if it is unimportant. The wire is just there swinging besides the wall of apartment.
Do people never worried about birds and unexpected objects cut the wire??

what I...

My Philly bag.
My Philly bag is my Philly bag. Really, this was made by Philly local company, I ordered this in Philly, and I designed it to have liberty one and two.
Since I got this bag last fall, we traveled together everywhere. This is my book/laptop/grocery/bike tool bag in everyday life, and this becomes my carry on baggage when I go on air plane. We went to Stockholm together, and we came to Rome together.
This is what always on my back, and what I carry everything I need, and this big bag let me carry everything. Since my main transportation is bike, I need to have everything on my back and holed handle bar with two hands.

What I always consciously carry...

Bike tool: in case of accident.
Wallet: in case I need money.
My ID case: nice Swedish designed ID case with ugly owl card and international student ID.
Dictionary: in case I need to look up a word.
Keys: to be able to lock/unlock my bike, and not to be locked out from my apartment.
My camera: for the moment and things I want to keep record.
Spare battery for the camera: I hate the moment camera battery died.
My moleskin book: it has all information I need. My Google.
Cell phone: I don’t really need it, but in case someone wants to contact me.
Eyeglasses: my sight getting weak and weak.

Plus, I always need to have enough room for my lap top when I needed, and my grocery when I happed to go grocery shopping after something.

Sometimes, I use my other bag, with selected things from above, and it always end up regretting not having my Philly bag, something I need always missing if I don’t have my Philly bag.

This bag is special to me, not only I order made and waited for 6 weeks, not only it cost $180, this bag really tells who I am and what I’m doing in Philly.
In Philly, I’m bike kids. What I’m doing is riding bike. And, the R.E.Load bag tells people that I’m bike kids because until recently this bag was popular only in bike people. I think having this bag somehow establishes relation ship with other R.E.Load bag owners. We identify each other through our bag.

It is really big thing in Philadelphia bike culture. I don’t see that many R.E.Load in NYC, but in Philly, I see a lot, a lot.

Even apart from Philadelphia, this bag connects me to Philly.
On Monday, may 21st. I was riding my bike to home, then, two men and women asked me, in English, if I know bike shop around the area. How come they knew that I speak English? why did they decided to ask me rather that asking local people(the women spoke really good Italian).

Well....they said they saw my bag, recognized that it is R.E.Load. She said she also has R.E.Load bag. They were Philadelphian!

It is strange, I would not say I like Philly, Tokyo, where I come from is a lot better. but I love people and its culture, especially bike culture. I feel conformable being bike kids. and the bag is my tag as Philadelphia bicycle rider. In any time, anywhere in the world, this bag would tell I was riding bike in Philly.